Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 4 (Happy birthday Papa!)

Reality bites, but it does not conquer. I walked this morning, ate my 6 boiled eggwhites and 1/2 apple on the way to my standing counceling appointment. It's always good to sit on Aunt Bonnie's couch :). I stopped by Publix on the way home with a goal in mind - rotiss chicken, potatoes, tomatoes, an onion, eggs, Can't Believe It's Not Butter spray, and Michelob Ultra. I bought everything on the list BUT beer. wasn't even an issue. Hmmmm.

I am still in a pissy mood but less pissy than yesterday. I started back on my Welbutrin, (just got lazy and out of the routine. NOT a good idea when you are already on an emotional roller coaster with your significant other AND you choose to drastically change your emotional eating habits!!!!) but it will take a few days to kick back in. I am attributing my slight elevation in mood to coming closer to grips with reality. We still don't know anything as far as wedding plans, and our living situation when Bill returns is still questionable. I am not at all excited about the possibility of living apart again for a year (I would stay here; he would stay in KS.), but the more we discuss it, the more sensible it becomes.

Oh, yeah...I stepped on the scale this morning - down 4 pounds! Woo Hoo!!!! I am excited, but being 1/2 realist doesn't allow me to celebrate all too enthusiastically. We all know this is a quick-start, so to keep it off I must commmit to doing things the 'right' way. And, I will. So, yay for me and we've only just

For two nights now I have skipped the evening walk. THAT MUST CHANGE! I am also not eating all that I should. I am not intentionally skipping meals; I am just getting tired of the suggestions in the literature. I should branch out...I just want this to work and I am scared of screwing it up. I also didn't drink enough water today. There you have own little reflection that led to a plan! 1) Walk morning AND evening, 2) eat, eat, eat 3) DRINK, DRINK, DRINK!!!!

Enough for now, I think. Night night.

1 comment:

  1. How you doing???? Are you sticking with the program???? You have been doing great!! Keep it up --- NO GUTS NO GLORY ( :
    Any recent updates???
