Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A week and a day later...

I figured out that the migraine marathon was a reaction to the high proteins/low carbs and "supplements". The headache finally went away by Sunday morning (2 days later). I decided that the jumpstart wasn't worth it, and Weight Watchers was standing by ready to be my key to success. By the way, I did lose 4 pounds over the first 3 days of the "Program", but I learned that I don't have to be senseless about all of this. Weight Watchers helps me keep a balance, and that's what I need. So...

I weighed in at Weight Watchers last (Monday) night and set my short term goals. I have started logging everything I eat, and I am running around with kids at church from 10:30 - 12:00 for music camp. I didn't walk last night because of a headache and tonight was handbells and it is storming. Excuses? Could be, but I don't think so. I may be wearing a wedding dress in September, so there ARE NO good excuses.

Thanks for reading this and following up with me, Darlene! I never knew just how much support I would need at this point in my life.

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